
Home » Cohabiting during divorce

Feb 28, 2022

Cohabiting during divorce

Divorce and General Articles

In today’s real estate market, finding places to live for all parties is a real challenge. If one party is retaining the marital home, then the other spouse has to relocate. When and how that is done are lifestyle questions, not legal questions. Right now, there is a shortage of homes to purchase and in many locations, a shortage of suitable apartments and townhouses to rent. Sometimes, it is purely a financial necessity because the budget during the divorce transition will not accommodate two households.

Debbie Y. Schneider, Esq., an Attorney at Alpha Center for Divorce Mediation provides guidelines when cohabitating during a divorce.

Whatever the reason, cohabitating during a divorce requires patience. The first task is for the two parties to make a joint decision that this is what needs to happen, recognizing that it is not permanent. If there are children involved who are aware of the divorce, communicating to the children that this is what is happening and that it does not mean that their parents have decided to stay married. It can be confusing for the children, so clear communication is required.

It is often helpful for the parties to create some clear boundaries, both physical, and emotional. Being kind and compassionate toward oneself is a worthwhile goal and in doing so, finding kindness and compassion for your spouse becomes easier. This is an ideal time to seek psychotherapy or join a divorce support group to create a greater sense of emotional safety.

Seeking the best venue for resolution of the divorce is also an important step to take. Mediation with the ALPHA CENTER is the most courageous, and the smartest step you can take.

Alpha Center for Divorce Mediation
Email: alphacares@alpha-divorce.com
Phone: 1-800-310-9085