
Home » A Successful Divorce Mediation from an Attorney-Mediator’s Point of View

May 25, 2023

A Successful Divorce Mediation from an Attorney-Mediator’s Point of View

Alpha Mediators

Here at the Alpha Center for Divorce Mediation in Willow Grove, PA, our program offers couples a less expensive and less contentious alternative to the traditional process of settling divorce disputes. Clients, who are able to set aside their adversarial tendencies and are willing to work together towards an amicable resolution, benefit greatly from the Alpha Center’s mediation program. Settling their differences in a reasonable manner offers them a better chance to have a smooth start for their own individual futures.

Putting the Kids First

Recently, I was able to assist a couple through Alpha’s mediation program by using our online platform. The husband had already moved to Pittsburgh to start a new career and job. Rather than focus on their differences the couple worked together to reach a resolution. They are parents of two daughters under the age of 18. They successfully developed a co-parenting plan with our parenting-mediator that allows the children to see both parents equally.

Being Realistic about Separating Finances

They put aside individual concerns and crafted a division of their assets that put both parties in a good position to start their individual lives. With legal protection from their marital settlement agreement, both parties will be able to move forward knowing they have closed the door on their marriage. However, they remain cordial as co-parents for the benefit of their daughters.

Better decisions, Better Results

I feel certain this couple recognized how much time and money they saved by choosing Alpha’s divorce mediation program. But more importantly, they realize the value of ensuring that their legal rights are protected without the need for a court battle. The Alpha Center’s approach to divorce presents a unique opportunity for a couple to settle their differences without hurting each other further or the ones closest to them as well.

Mike Routh is an attorney-mediators for the Alpha center for Divorce Mediation. Click here for his profile.

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