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What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is a less stressful and more affordable alternative to the traditional divorce process. Instead of taking your spouse to court, accruing steep legal fees, and suffering mentally, a divorce mediator works with the couple to dissolve their partnership amicably, thereby empowering them to establish the best quality of life possible after divorce.

Alpha Center Step Divorce Mediation Program – a Sensible Alternative.
Take the Best Path to a Brighter Future.

Deciding to pursue divorce is a very difficult decision. How you proceed will affect you and your family’s ability to move toward a better future.

Your options include:

  • Traditional litigation – hire separate divorce lawyers to “fight it out,”
  • Third party arbiter, or arbitration panel or the collaborative approach
  • Do-It-Yourself divorce
  • Divorce Mediation

In general, most options result in a decision that can only be appealed or overturned by going to court. Once you’ve agreed to abide by the court or the panel’s assessment and decree, you’re stuck with it. Unless you want to go through the courts again.

The old method of hiring separate divorce lawyers to “fight it out” is still available, but choosing to hire Alpha’s skilled divorce mediation attorneys saves a great deal of time, money and stress. Their lives after divorce are far better because of their wisdom during divorce.

Just as a skilled surgeon can repair a damaged heart, our skilled divorce attorney-mediators bring a calmness to the divorce storm and guide both parties to a brighter future.

Alpha’s divorce mediation attorneys are neutral professionals who will not “take sides.” Our role is to guide both parties to a settlement that works best for them and, most importantly, for their children.

Alpha’s skilled attorney-mediators have years of experience in remaining neutral to ensure that the needs and wants of both parties are carefully considered. They have trained in effective techniques for bringing about a settlement even when dealing with couples who are highly conflicted and distrustful of each other.

Understanding Your Divorce Options

Our Locations

Divorce is not just a legal matter ... its a life matter.

Alpha Center's divorce mediation teams are now available online or in person at our convenient locations.


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